Wednesday, 4 May 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the process of constructing our product, our group has learnt about various technologies, most being the camera and using the editing software its self. We learnt how to use different elements of the camera as well as skills such a variety of shots which is appropriate for the mood of our film. Throughout the filming process, we all became extremely familiar with filming gradually extending and making our shots more creative. This would be helpful in the process due to the fact this meant we could be adventurous with what footage we had to film or even re-film. For example, at the beginning of the film, we had filmed at clock but starting with a close up and then gradually zooming out, turning into a long shot. This makes the film more interesting and helps the audience to establish it is set in a girls bedroom.
Moreover, in our original plan we decided to have our whole film about a two contrasting stereotypes of teenage girls getting ready in the morning to attend a dance school. We then decided to change it to two girls getting ready for the days ahead of them, as it seemed more worthwhile and would hold together. This now leads to our finishing product.
Another device that we used was the sound track for the film. As our film was very upbeat we needed a track in the background, this would emphasis the fun and bubbly characters. This was profoundly hard as we were told we couldn't copyright, we had to make our own song. To tackle this problem we used a CD given to us of our teacher which fitted well with our film.
Furthermore, there have been a lot of times where we filmed something and when we edited it, it did not fit in with rest of our film. Therefore we learnt to film as many times as we could to use different angles so that when it came to editing it we had enough footage to rely on.
In conclusion,this experience taught us how to use a camera professionally and use the editing software (Final Cut Pro), which could be used to create a specific effect that we wanted such as the sound and lighting. Learning how to use the technology and different software helped us hugely in the process of construction of our final project, this made us aware of the errors and how we can tackle them if we needed to use the software again.

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