Friday, 11 February 2011

What did you learn about the cameras and editing software during the preliminary task?
We learnt how to use the cameras and using Final cut pro to edit which was seem to be not as easy as it looks. Completing our filming task whilst also remebering the 180 degree rule was difficult in order to allow facial expressions and rections to be in the shot, whilst ensuring they matched and looked professional. We found in the end the preliminary task helped us to understand and establish how to use the cameras and edit much better than we would of if we just jumped straight into the task.

In filming and editing of your project, what worked well and what could have been improved?
We felt that involving different shots worked well in our preliminary task. We enjoyed trying a different range of shots and then deciding what worked best, however we felt that the eye direction was not right for the angle as one character was meant to be looking. Also we feel our editing skills need improvement so it flows more smoothly, but we are going to take these mistakes into account and make sure we dont repeat them in our main task.

Give a detailed, specific example of how you have used a shot/reverse shot combinationin your film?
We have included short reverse shot in our preliminary rask in order to show a conversation was happening. Although it was a clear define view a conversation was happening we failed to make the eyeline look clear as Catherine looks like she is not looking at the protangonist but is making eye contact with the camera which is a fail due to the fact eye contact to the camera should of not been made.

Give a detailed, specific example of how you achieve match cuts during the editing process
We did not involve a match cut in our preliminary task, we tried alot of different match cuts during the filming of our preliminary but didnt feel any of them looked suitable or fitted well. This is something we will work upon in our main task trying to gain the best possible outcome.

How did you make sure that you didnt break the 180 degree rule? Or if you broke it, what have you learnt from this?
In our preliminary task we did not break the 180 degree rule as we didnt pass the line for obvious reasons we wanted to get it correct. It was harder than we thought but we felt it was extremley useful and good practice for the main task we will be filming soon.

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